Buy Shakeology | Shakeology Reviews Shakeology is nutrient-rich, healthy meal replacement shake when combined with diet and exercise will lead to loss of weight, improved digestion, increased energy and lower cholesterol. Mon, 16 Nov 2020 22:20:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 135610223 Should you drink Shakeology While Pregnant or Breastfeeding Thu, 22 Oct 2020 16:37:29 +0000 The answer to “can you drink Shakeology while pregnant” is: Probably yes, but there are definitely things to consider. You can also drink coke during pregnancy but this doesn’t mean it’s good for you or that it’s still safe if you’ll drink enough of it.   Shakeology might not be as bad as coca-cola but […]

The post Should you drink Shakeology While Pregnant or Breastfeeding first appeared on Buy Shakeology | Shakeology Reviews.]]>
The answer to “can you drink Shakeology while pregnant”

is: Probably yes, but there are definitely things to consider.

pregnant woman health

You can also drink coke during pregnancy but this doesn’t

mean it’s good for you or that it’s still safe if you’ll drink enough of it.


Shakeology might not be as bad as coca-cola but it also has some ingredients that you’d better avoid getting too much of. These include

sugar, caffeine, and “natural flavors”. The non-vegan version of the shake also contains whey protein that might not be suitable for everyone.


Shakeology also contains super fruits that provide your body with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, etc. So if you take any supplements in addition to drinking the shake, you should make sure that you’re not consuming too much of any particle substance during your pregnancy. Some suggest for example that consuming too much vitamin a could be bad for you and your baby.

super fruits vitamins


As advised by Dr. Lakeisha Richardson, “As long as the cumulative quantity of each vitamin or mineral does not exceed 100% of the prescribed daily dosage, pregnant women should be able to take their prenatal vitamins and shakes”. But also added that these shakes should almost never be replacing a well-balanced meal during the pregnancy.  


Having said that – You should always consult with your physician about what foods/drinks you should and shouldn’t consume during your pregnancy.

While you are pregnant it is also critical that you get enough calories. After all, you are growing another little human being inside of you.

One of the worst things you can do is to not eat enough

and be in a calorie deficit. 

Shakeology is made to provide you with a low-calorie meal replacement which could lead to feeling full while not getting enough calories you need during the pregnancy. So that’s another thing to watch out for when drinking Shakeology while pregnant.

There are also not enough clinical evidence or study to tell about the long-term effects of Shakeology shakes on the baby.

Now let’s get things straight.


The main reason for drinking Shakeology while pregnant is to get a decent supply of protein. 


Shakeology is fairly more expensive than other protein shakes and also comes with some additives that could make it harder to control what you allow into your body. For this reason, there might be better ways to reach the desired amount of protein during your pregnancy. 


If you want to be in absolute control over your nutrition during the pregnancy, a wiser path might be to get your protein from a pure source of protein and all the other nutrients from different sources.  


Example: Your proteins you can get from pure protein

shake supplements (Additive-free products), vitamins and minerals that are

harder to get from natural sources acquire from tablets, and the other

nutrients from healthy foods (vegetables, fruits, grains, cooked meat, etc.).


Quite a few meal replacement shakes and protein shakes are also found to contain heavy metals too. Therefore, it’s always recommended to choose a supplement that is tested to be free of such toxic ingredients.


Heavy Metals come from the earth (especially in more polluted grounds and places where pesticides are used). It’s therefore makes it especially difficult to find a vegan protein powder that is tested to be completely free of heavy metals.

If you are ok with using whey protein here is probably the best PURE (free from also natural flavours) protein powder that is also tested to be free of heavy metals (a rare find!):


Raw Grass-fed Whey 

Grass Fed Whey Protein Shake

Find Out Price & Reviews Now on Amazon

Pure Vegan protein powder are harder to find.

There isn’t much information about vegan protein shakes that have been tested to be free from heavy metals. After excluding all protein powders that haven’t passed our test, here is one vegan protein shake that looks like a decent bet:  

Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard


Check Out Price & Reviews Now on Amazon



Also, remember that there is such risk as consuming too much protein
 so with anything you use, keep following your
physician’s recommendations.


Which brings us to the next subject.


What foods you should consume during pregnancy?


Nutrition during pregnancy is such an important subject as pregnant women’s body requires more protein, calcium, iron, and folic acid

than non-pregnant women.


What a pregnant woman eats and drinks is her baby’s primary source of food. Experts recommend during pregnancy your diet should include a range of nutritious foods and drinks to provide a baby’s essential

nutrients for growth and development.


A great and sustainable way to both feel better and meet your personal wellbeing goals when pregnant is to make a healthy lifestyle improvements regularly. In order to feel good and live a healthier lifestyle, it is important to practice drinking more water, eating more whole foods, reducing the intake of refined foods, and do some form of workout every day.


food to eat during pregnancy

Foods You Should Eat

During pregnancy, you should be eating healthy foods most of the time. The five food groups mentioned below is what should mainly be consumed to optimize your prenatal nutrition:

  • Fruits.
  • Vegetables.
  • Lean protein.
  • Whole grains.
  • Dairy products.


It is advised that pregnant women fill their plates with:

1/2 Plate Fruits and vegetables – of all colors.

1/4 Plate whole grains

1/4 Plate a source of lean protein,

And have a dairy product at every meal.


In addition to a balanced diet, pregnant women are often advised to take daily prenatal supplements that will help them obtain some nutrients that aren’t easy to get from foods alone. According to ACOG, such ingredients may include folic acid and iron.


Detailed information on safe food options and amounts to be included in meals you can also find on the USDA’s site



Foods You Should Limit 


Caffeine-less than 200 mg of caffeine a day, the amount contained in a 12-ounce cup of coffee, is usually considered to be safe.


Fish – 8 – 12 ounces of cooked fish and seafood a week. And you better eat only shallow-water fish to avoid mercury, lead, and other heavy metals.


Foods to avoid


Fish With high levels of mercury like swordfish, shark, king

mackerel, marlin, orange roughy, and tilefish.

Unpasteurized food and drinks.

Raw meat.


What other moms say about drinking Shakeology while


A mother that did chose to use Shakeology during her pregnancy has concluded: “Can I drink Shakeology during pregnancy is something that I’ve asked my obstetrician, my nutritionist, and the pediatrician of my children about. The response I got was: Shakeology might be safe to drink during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but use it carefully, with clear instructions from a doctor that will look into what’s in the shake and how to include it in your diet during the pregnancy.”

Two moms who chose not to use Shakeology during their pregnancy has noted:

“I spoke to a registered dietitian who specializes in moms and kids, and she advised me to ”Avoid drinking Shakeology until I’m done breastfeeding”. Her reasons for this are:

1. The amounts of biotin, chromium, and vitamins A, C,

B12, and B1 in the shake. These exceed the RDA for breastfeeding moms.

2. The amount of folic acid is too low.”

“According to my doctor, when you look at the product label, the vitamins and whey protein in Shakeology might be safe to use in pregnancy. However, she added, any supplements that may contain excess minerals, caffeine, or weight loss additives should not be used throughout pregnancy.”


Shakeology While Breastfeeding and Downsides 

sleeping baby after breastfeeding


As with pregnancy always consult a professional obstetrician or health care professional before using any other supplement while you are nursing.


It’s important to know that the FDA has not approved Shakeology. Although shakes don’t have to be approved by the FDA, during your pregnancy or nursing shakes are like any other supplements that should be.

Beachbody (the company behind Shakeology has also not performed profound trials on a developing fetus or how it crosses from lactation into milk. These are red flags to bear in mind.

Beachbody LLC also isn’t marketing the shake to pregnant or breastfeeding moms. However, they give their MLMs plenty of room to decide how they want to market the product and haven’t regulated the information provided by their distributors. As far as business practices go, MLM’s health and wellness course, it doesn’t seem too reliable.


The organization LLL in Virginia which consult breast-feeding moms has also advised that Shakeology can’t be considered safe during nursing. Not only has it not been fully studied, but the shake also contains some ingredients that may be harmful to pregnant and breastfeeding moms. Some of these are gingko, ashwagandha, luo han guoastragalus, goji, and



So think really carefully about what you put into your

body during this period. 



Based on all the information we could find; it looks like using Shakeology while pregnant or breastfeeding is not the greatest idea.


A better path would be to use a protein shake that does not contain anything but protein and any other nutrition that you need can be derived from raw foods or supplements that are made for that purpose.


Most importantly, always take advice from a health care specialist before deciding on what you should include in your diet during pregnancy. 



– This article does not intend to provide medical

advice or replace a consultation with a pregnancy and nursing physician. –

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Shakeology Vs Weight Watchers Shakes (Updated 2020) Sat, 18 Jul 2020 00:07:00 +0000 Are you using Weight Watchers to lose weight?  If so, you may be benefiting from a meal replacement shake to help accelerate your weight loss or add nutrients to your diet.  Shakeology offers an easy way to increase your nutritional intake each day while sticking to your points in the Weight Watchers program. Find in […]

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Are you using Weight Watchers to lose weight? 

If so, you may be benefiting from a meal replacement shake to help accelerate your weight loss or add nutrients to your diet. 

Shakeology offers an easy way to increase your nutritional intake each day while sticking to your points in the Weight Watchers program.

Find in this article:

  1. A comparison of weight watchers shakes vs Shakeology.
  2. Info about the Weight Watchers program and how. 
  3. How a meal replacement shake like Shakeology can fit into your Weight Watchers program. 

Shakeology vs Weight Watches Shakes

Weight Watchers Shakes vs Shakeology

When comparing Weight Watchers Shakes with Shakeology it’s important to compare the nutritional values as well as consumers’ reviews. 

Here are the nutrition facts of each per serving:


 Shakeology: 140

 Weight Watchers: 140


 Shakeology: 17g

 Weight Watchers: 25g


 Shakeology: 1

 Weight Watchers: 2


 Shakeology: 15mg

 Weight Watchers: 55mg


 Shakeology: 100mg

 Weight Watchers: 130mg


 Shakeology: 3g

 Weight Watchers: 5g


 Shakeology: 9g

 Weight Watchers: 2g

Looking at these facts we can determine that the main 2 advantages Weight Watchers have over Shakeology are the amount of protein and sugars between the shakes. 

Weight Watchers has more protein and less sugar which supposedly makes it a more attractive choice. Mainly if you are looking for a protein shake to drink after a workout. 

However, Weight Watchers shakes are also higher in Cholesterol and may not have some of the other benefits that Shakeology offers
 due to it being a blend of super-fruits. 

Reviews of Shakeology Vs Weight Watchers Shakes

When comparing the reviews of Shakeology and Weight Watchers the main things that are 2 main factors that stand out: 

  1. Price – That some consumers complain about with Shakeology, while with Weight Watches shakes this is not an issue. 
  2. Taste & Texture – That seems to be a more common issue with Weight Watchers than with Shakeology. 

Another distinction would be that Shakeology also has a Vegan version while Weight Watchers doesn’t. 

In conclusion

We’d say:

Choose Weight Watchers if you are not a vegan, less fussy about the taste, looking for the shake as a solution for high protein intake after a workout or are on a tight budget.

Choose Shakeology if you are looking for a more complete meal replacement shake that tastes better or if you are a vegan.

Weight Watchers Shakes

Weight Watchers Shakes

See Reviews and Get it Now From Amazon

How The Weight Watchers Program Works?

When you join the Weight Watchers plan, they give you a personal assessment based on your lifestyle, eating habits, fitness activity level, and food preferences. 

Members of Weight Watchers count points. Each person is given a certain number of points they can use per day, based on their current weight, age, fitness level, and weight loss goals. 

Everything you eat is calculated according to points, with foods receiving point values based on the serving size, calories, fat grams, amount of fiber, and fat. Point values are calculated differently depending on which Weight Watchers program you follow: Winning Points or PointsPlus.

How to Use Shakeology with Weight Watchers

Since Weight Watchers does not eliminate any foods, you can use any meal or snack as part of your weight loss program as long as you know how many points the food is worth it.

Here’s how to count Shakeology meal replacement shakes in your Weight Watchers weight loss program:

PointsPlus: A Shakeology meal replacement shake mixed with water has a point value of 3 points in this program.

Winning Points: A Shakeology meal replacement shake mixed with water has a point value of 2 points in this program.

You can also make your Shakeology meal replacement shakes with other ingredients to change the flavor and consistency – including almond milk, skim milk, soy milk, fruit, and even peanut butter. 

The point values above are for Shakeology mixed with water; if you are going to create other recipes using Shakeology, don’t forget to calculate the points value of the other ingredients too.

Buy Shakeology to start using it with your Weight Watchers program now. 

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Shakeology vs. Medifast Sun, 12 Jul 2020 19:26:00 +0000 Shakeology and Medifast are two of the most popular meal replacement shakes today.  Both might offer some benefits when used in a balanced weight loss or diet program.   In this article, we’ll review shakes and compare them.  Medifast Medifast, Inc. is an American company that produces and sells nutrition and weight loss products.  Along with its […]

The post Shakeology vs. Medifast first appeared on Buy Shakeology | Shakeology Reviews.]]>
Shakeology and Medifast are two of the most popular meal replacement shakes today. 

Both might offer some benefits when used in a balanced weight loss or diet program.  

In this article, we’ll review shakes and compare them.


Medifast, Inc. is an American company that produces and

sells nutrition and weight loss products. 

Along with its wide range of products, Medifast offers

protein shakes and snacks. 

The Medifast shake is a dietary supplement that is marketed as meal replacement shakes. 

The proteins in the shake are coming from both soy and whey (contains milk). 

Medifast shake contains vitamins and minerals but doesn’t have the superfruits and probiotics that you can find in Shakeology.  

See Reviews and Prices of Medifast Shake on Amazon  


 Shakeology is a meal replacement shake by Beachbody. A company too. 

Shakeolgy is sold as a meal replacement shake and dietary product for weight loss. 

Shakeology and Medifast both allow dieters to replace one meal a day with low-calorie, nutrient-packed options that can help you reduce the need for calorie counting.

When these programs are combined with a regular exercise and healthy diet program, the weight loss results can be dramatic. 

When looking at the bigger picture Shakeology is probably healthier, but as you can read below, they both have their downsides. 

Shakeology Vs Medifast

When comparing Shakeology with Medifast there are few things to bear in mind: 

Medifast is being marketed as a dietary shake and not essentially as a healthy one. 

Shakeology on the other hand is being marketed as a “health shake”. So they aren’t exactly competing in the same category. 

Both Medifast and Shakeology contain ingredients like sugar, cellulose gum, natural flavors (aren’t always natural as you might think), and others, which aren’t great for your body. 

Medifast also contains Soy protein, corn syrup, xanthan gum, carrageenan, caramel colors, and artificial flavors, which makes it even less suitable for the more health-conscious consumers. 

With that in mind, if you are not only about Shakeology or Medifast and are looking for a great all-natural protein shake, there might be better alternatives out there. 

Here are the 2 of the best healthy alternative shakes that we’ve picked especially for you. 

The Whey Protein Option 

Raw Grass Fed Whey

Grass Fed Whey Protein Shake

Reviews, Prices and all about it find now on Amazon

The Vegan Protein Option 

On Nutrition Gold Standard


Reviews, Prices and all about it find now on Amazon

Shakeology Vs Medifast nutritional values. 

Back to our comparison, here are the nutrition facts for

each of the shakes, per serving:


 Shakeology: 140

 Medifast: 110


 Shakeology: 17g

 Medifast: 14-15g


 Shakeology: 1

 Medifast: 0.5


 Shakeology: 15mg

 Medifast: 5mg


 Shakeology: 100mg

 Medifast: 270mg


 Shakeology: 3g

 Medifast: 13g


 Shakeology: 9g

 Medifast: 7g

Looking at the facts, there aren’t huge differences between the shakes.  With the main ones being that Medifast contains more carbohydrates and is pretty high in sodium (which is bad for high blood pressure).


In terms of pricing, it depends where you buy each of the shakes.

Medifast would normally cost you between $3-7 and Shakeology $4-7.


Between the two, with better overall nutritional facts and a pretty similar price, Shakeology would be our winner.

The post Shakeology vs. Medifast first appeared on Buy Shakeology | Shakeology Reviews.]]>
Drinking two Shakeology shakes Wed, 08 Jul 2020 00:11:00 +0000 Are you wondering whether drinking 2 Shakeology shakes a day is a good idea? Here you’ll find unbiased advice that will help you make the right choice.  Just before looking at how many shakes you should drink in a day, it’s important to understand what is Shakeology and what it’s meant for.  What is Shakeology? […]

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Are you wondering whether drinking 2 Shakeology shakes a day is a good idea?

Here you’ll find unbiased advice that will help you make the right choice. 

Just before looking at how many shakes you should drink in a day, it’s important to understand what is Shakeology and what it’s meant for. 

2 Shakeology strawberry shakes

What is Shakeology?

Shakeology is a superfood meal replacement shake powder that delivers a complete range of nutrients. 

Each serving of the shake is aimed to provide a dose of the nutrition your body needs to replace one meal a day. 

Shakeology contains proteins, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fiber, adaptogens, phytonutrients, probiotics, and digestive enzymes. 

The problem it aims to solve

Whether you are aiming to lose weight or gain muscle the shake is designed to fit any diet plan. It is a nutrient-dense, low-calorie meal replacement shake that is aimed to help you drop body fat and enhance your physique. 

The most notable aspects of the Shakeology are that every serving contains about 17 grams of high-quality protein and six grams of fiber. Protein is a must for building body tissue (like muscles) and fiber is crucial for maintaining a healthy digestive system. Fiber also plays the role of promoting the feeling of fullness. 

The ingredients in Shakeolgy have been picked to provide a powerful super-foods blend. The nutrients in the shake could help to support an exercise routine, prevent oxidative damage (which occurs when stress produces free radicals that harm the body’s cells), maintain a healthy heart, digestive, liver, hormone, and brain function.  

So if Shakeology is so great should you drink it twice a day? 

Drinking 2 Shakeology Shakes a Day

Drinking 2 Shakeology shakes a day isn’t supposed to do you any harm, but it’s important to remember that shake powders are a supplement and not an actual meal. 

These types of shakes are meant to help you fill in nutritional gaps in your day or provide you with a protein boost after a workout when you don’t have the time to consume a proper meal. Rather than to replace your entire diet. 

For these reasons, it’s always recommended to limit your daily intake of any powder shake to a maximum of one serving per day

Who Should drink 2 shakes a day?

One may consider drinking 2 Shakeology shakes a day in case you need to reach a high level of proteins and nutrients to support an active lifestyle. 

The most obvious example of this is when you are an athlete or a person that has an intense workout routine and a busy lifestyle. 

In that case, reaching the RDA of protein and nutrients your body needs using raw food only, is fairly difficult. That’s even more so when you are a vegan. And for that Vegan Shakeology might be an option. But, there are better shakes out there too. 

Better twice a day shake than Shakeology

If you are planning to drink a meal replacement shake more than once a day there are better alternatives to Shakeology that you should look at.

As you probably know by now (if not then now you’ll know), Shakeology hasn’t been certified to be GMO-Free, Organic, or gluten-free. The shake also contains sugars and heavy metals (like many other plant-based shakes) in levels that might be harmful.

If you drink a meal replacement protein shake multiple times a day you should use a clean protein shake powder, that is certified to be free from any harmful substances.

And this is very hard to find. But don’t worry, we got you covered!

From profound research we have made, the only shake powder we could find that meets this standard is the

Raw GrassFed Whey

Grass Fed Whey Protein Shake

Find Prices & Reviews Now on Amazon

Are the any Risks?

Consuming Too much protein

The recommended intake of protein per day for a person over the age of 18 is 56 grams (g) for males, and 46 g for females.

Drinking 2 Shakeology a day means you consume a minimum of 32g of protein. Combine this with the other foods you eat during the day and you might get more protein than you need.

Consuming more protein than your body needs on a daily basis, have found to be causing problems with the liver, bones, heart and kidneys. And may even may lead to the increased risk of cancer.

Besides, excess protein is usually stored as fat, so consuming too much of it is likely to also lead to gaining weight.

Blood Sugar Spikes

Although the sugar quantity in Shakeology is pretty reasonable, relying on shake powders to replace balance meals can trigger blood sugar spikes. Which could be harmful for the body.

To Summarize

Getting your protein and nutrients from raw foods, if you have the option, is always the best choice. 

If you can’t, try getting most of your nutrition from raw foods and use Shakeology to support your diet with one shake a day.  

In the exception when you are an athlete who lives a busy lifestyle, you might wish to consider using the shake twice a day, occasionally, as a tool to reach your diet goals.

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Benefits of Shakeology Tue, 19 May 2020 20:19:00 +0000 Today good nutrition isn’t as easy to get as everyone hopes. Maintaining a healthy daily diet requires time and effort. Combine that with our busy schedules and there is the reason why people buy Shakeology. Shakeology shakes are made with a proprietary blend of highly nutritious vitamins and minerals. It is Packed with 23 vitamins, […]

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Today good nutrition isn’t as easy to get as everyone hopes.

Maintaining a healthy daily diet requires time and effort.

Combine that with our busy schedules and there is the reason why people buy Shakeology.

Shakeology shakes are made with a proprietary blend of highly nutritious vitamins and minerals. It is Packed with 23 vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and proteins.

The shakes come in a selection of 5 different flavors.

And are free of gluten, refined sugars, caffeine, or artificial sweeteners.

Shake Health Benefits

Why use Shakeology?

Human bodies need to take in essential vitamins and minerals every single day to function at its optimum level.

What we put on the inside shines on the outside. But too often we are not able to incorporate into our diet what is truly necessary for ultimate health. The foods we eat and the diets we maintain may not be enough to keep our bodies healthy and fully functioning.

There are vegan Shakeology shakes and the basic natural ones.
All provide you with the nutrition values of a balanced meal and can help you:

Lose weight

If you buy Shakeology to aid with weight loss, you will use the shake to replace one meal a day. You’ll substitute calories for nutrients your body needs to increase your metabolism and your energy levels.

Stop food cravings

Snacking between meals is one of the main reasons that hold back people from losing weight. Shakeology shakes can help at preventing the strong urge you may feel for food throughout the day.

Achieve more energy

The Shakeology shakes work to help your body better absorb the nutrients it receives. With access to these nutrients, our bodies will have more energy and feel better overall.

Improve digestion & bowel regularity

The shakes keep digestion on track and give your body increased energy. The blend of quality probiotics and digestive enzymes in the shake are critical components of a healthy digestive track.

Lower cholesterol  

Studies have shown that drinking Shakeology can help in lowering cholesterol levels.

Shakeology shakes are made to replace a daily meal with a quick and healthy alternative!

Find Shakeology Shakes and Prices – Now on eBay

Shakeology shakes

Shakeology meal replacement shakes, can also help with decreasing the risk for disease.

Free radicals in the blood can lead to strokes, heart disease, and uncontrollable blood pressure.

The ingredients in Shakeology can help you improve your immune system and reduce the free radicals which damage the body cells.

Is Shakeology Healthy?

Shakeology is more than just investing in a healthy alternative for your diet.

Many pre-packaged foods we eat these days can be filled with preservatives and empty calories that do not benefit your body at all.

Shakeology shakes are made with all-natural, health ingredients and contain processed or artificial products.

— That’s What 35 Doctors Say About Shakeology. —

Shakeology meal replacement shakes, can also help with decreasing the risk for disease.

Free radicals in the blood can lead to strokes, heart disease, and uncontrollable blood pressure.

The ingredients in Shakeology can help you improve your immune system and reduce the free radicals that damage your body.

The shake can successfully replace one meal a day to aid in cleansing the body and promoting healthy weight loss. The nutrition value of Shakeology is equal to that of a perfect meal and can be a healthy addition to a vegetarian diet.

Shakeology shakes are an easy way to ensure your body is receiving all the essential vitamins and minerals in one convenient drink.

It is packaged for on-the-go individuals who otherwise do not eat a healthy diet during busy days.

In addition to a meal replacement option, Shakeology shakes can also be a tasty and healthy daily snack.

greens benefits

Improve Overall Health

The Shakeology shakes can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Acting as a light meal replacement with all the nutrients your body needs, the shake provides you with more energy during the day and the increased ability to burn off unwanted pounds.

The unique natural ingredients in the Shakeology also work as a body detox. Which helps fighting illnesses and improves your overall physical health.

The post Benefits of Shakeology first appeared on Buy Shakeology | Shakeology Reviews.]]> 7 14
The 21 Day Fix Shakeology Sun, 17 May 2020 12:17:13 +0000 21 Day Fix program for losing weight are offered by Beachbody (a multi-level marketing company) and a variety of other providers. The Beachbody company also offers other weight loss and exercise programs and sells nutrition supplements like Shakeology. Whether you’ve been trying to lose weight or have succeeded but now having difficulty keeping it off, […]

The post The 21 Day Fix Shakeology first appeared on Buy Shakeology | Shakeology Reviews.]]>
21 Day Fix program for losing weight are offered by Beachbody (a multi-level marketing company) and a variety of other providers. The Beachbody company also offers other weight loss and exercise programs and sells nutrition supplements like Shakeology.

Whether you’ve been trying to lose weight or have succeeded but now having difficulty keeping it off, there are very real struggles in achieving weight loss goals.

weight loss woman

The 21 Day Fix can help you in your mission of losing weight. Whether you opt into the Beachbody’s 21 Day Fix program or a similar one by a different provider, meal replacement shakes as Shakeology could fit into that plan. 

Compared to other meal replacement shakes out there, the 21 Day Fix by Beachbody is a fairly decent one.

However, with a price tag of around $60, it is not the cheapest too and you can easily achieve the same goals with similar weight loss plans like the 21-day weight loss plan by Jessica Smith that you can get on Amazon 
for a much lower price. 

Another amazing workout plan that I was using for getting great results is the 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels for a ridiculously low expense.

Jillian Michaels 30 day shred

Check out the reviews for this best priced 30 Day Shred program by Jillian Michaels now on amazon

Using Shakes Like Shakeology in your fitness program 

Whichever weight loss program you choose here is why Shakeology could fit great into your program. 

By combining Shakeology in your weight loss workout program, you have the added benefit of being able to enjoy tasty shakes in a variety of flavors each day in addition to your other healthy eating lessons. 

The Shakeology shakes help to control cravings which can be all too great a temptation especially when just starting the program. The Shakeology shakes help you feel fuller longer and give you the energy you need to make it through each 30-minute workout so you look forward to the next.

When you follow the eating plan in workout programs like the 21day fix, you are teaching yourself how to eat better for life not just while on a ‘diet’. You learn how to effectively portion your food with each meal so you not only lose weight, you also gain a new perspective on fueling your body.

The shakes made with the Shakeology for your program are naturally thick, can be mixed with any liquid to be made thinner, and has a unique, delicious taste. 

Regardless of how you make the shake, it’s loaded with fiber and proteins that will help keep you full for hours and eliminate cravings for unhealthy snacks and junk food.

Health Benefits 21 Day Fix Shakeology Offers Include:

  • Reduced junk food cravings.
  • Sustained energy levels throughout the day.
  • Digestion support and regularity.
  • Healthy and responsible weight loss.

There are also hundreds of recipes out there for Shakeology shakes so you won’t have to force yourself to drink the shake.

The superfood ingredients included in Shakeology will help boost your immune system, provide healthy energy levels all day. It also won’t make you feel deprived since each shake is flavorful and enjoyable.

Imagine all you could do with a little extra energy each day. 

All of a sudden your workday isn’t so exhausting, your mood doesn’t seem to decline as the day wears on and you start feeling better physically too. This would help you take any exercise program to the next level as well because the energy is there and you just feel healthy.

Shakeology shakes are available in a variety of excellent flavors. 

Discover the 7 Shakeology flavors and get them now on eBay.  

Shakeology Shake Chocolate



Benefits of Workout Programs Like the 21 Day Fix 

Workout programs like the 21-day fix are all done at-home and are designed to be used in three-week increments to help you lose up to 15 pounds in less than a month.

The benefits of programs like the 21 Day Fix revolve around the unique nutrition plan and the 30 minutes per day workout routines engaging for all fitness levels. 

The number one benefit of these nutrition programs really boils down to how simple it is. 

The nutrition plan uses food storage containers that are already specifically portioned to take out the guesswork of portion control. 

There are no major restrictions on what you can eat but instead focuses on helping you figure out how much you should eat.

Most diet programs tie in a lot of food restrictions, calorie counting, and just a great deal of inconvenience to have ‘success’. With the benefits of programs like the 21 Day Fix you never have to count calories, you don’t have to eat food that tastes like cardboard, and you’ll be able to visually see exactly what a proper portion of food for you looks like. 

That way, you don’t end up eating too much or too little. That’s how so simple and easy it is.

The fitness plan included with 21 Day Fix programs is ideal for both men and women who want to lose weight fast. The workouts in these programs are all quick and requiring just 30 minutes of your time each day. 

So, even if you lead a very busy lifestyle you’ll still be able to get in a solid workout and stay on the path to achieving your fitness goals.

Another benefit of the 21 Day Fix and similar fitness program is that they are incredibly easy to follow.

The workouts are all designed to challenge you physically and mentally, each and every step of the way on your weight loss journey. But just because they challenge you doesn’t mean you can’t do it.

Even if the original moves are too difficult just starting out, there are modifiers to make them less intense without losing the benefits of the program itself.

While these programs do teach you about working out properly for better health, it also teaches you how to eat better and make the necessary lifestyle choices to ensure you stay on track with the best diet possible.

21 Day Fix and other reputable workout programs may be the ideal choice for individuals that aren’t sure how to start eating better for a better life. As part of the program, Shakeology and 21 Day Fix may make a good partnership for those just starting out.

Woman working out - 21 day fix program

What’s Included in these workout programs

As part of these types of workout programs, you get access to six 30-minute workouts and learn about the Portion Control system. 

With the 21-day fix program, for example, the package provides a series of containers that are color-coded and divided into specific-sized portions for the various food groups including fruits, vegetables, proteins, and healthy fats. Also included is a Shakeology Shaker cup for mixing up a nutritious Shakeology shake as part of the 21 Day Fix.

A 21 Day Fix Eating Plan is also included to help you eat better based on a portion control plan. 

Nonetheless, each weight loss program is different and so may include different elements.

21 Day Fix Results

Despite what you might be thinking, achieving great results out of a workout program in less than a month is absolutely possible! 

People who commit to any reputable weight loss workout programs for even just 21 days can lose up to 15 pounds (7 kg). You can literally drop your clothes sizes in just 3 weeks. 

There are quite a few videos that show real evidence of the possibility of reaching this goal. Here is one of them to prove that it is doable if you are just determined enough to do so.

If you’re going to opt into a weight loss fitness plan you’d also be wanting to be tracking your progress. 

Studies reveal that tracking your progress can help you reach your desired goals faster and maintain your weight better in the long term. 

One of the most convenient ways for tracking your progress is by using a workout and nutrition journal.

And we’ve found the best one there is for you! 

Check it for yourself now on Amazon

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Shakeology 3 day cleanse Wed, 13 May 2020 20:19:24 +0000 “Every day we’re exposed to at least 4,000 toxins, chemicals, and pollutants.” These harmful substances are preventing your body from functioning right, creating all sorts of health issues, and interfere with the process of losing weight!  Add to that our overstressed lifestyles and there our bodies are taking a beating. That’s why a body cleanse […]

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“Every day we’re exposed to at least 4,000 toxins, chemicals, and pollutants.”

These harmful substances are preventing your body from functioning right, creating all sorts of health issues, and interfere with the process of losing weight! 

Add to that our overstressed lifestyles and there our bodies are taking a beating.

That’s why a body cleanse plays an important role in keeping your body clean and healthy. 

fruit and veg raw foods shakes

Using Shakeology in a Cleanse Diet

By using Shakeology in your cleanse program, you are not only helping your body eliminate toxins, but also replenish your body with the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals it needs to maintain optimum health.

Reviews and Prices for Shakeology – Now available on eBay.

The Shakeology meal replacement shake is designed for use once a day as a single meal replacement. 

According to some coaches that distribute the Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse plan, you are supposed to drink a Shakeology shake three times a day for three days as well as consume some other natural supplements. 

Even though Shakeology is all-natural, it would still be impossible for any shake to replace organic raw foods that are coming straight from nature.  

With that in mind, Shakeology still provides high quality proteins and other essential supplements that are harder to get from a plant-based diet. 

That’s why combining Shakeology in your cleanse is great but despite the instructions provided for the Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse by the Beachbody company and its coaches, we recommend that you keep the daily intake of Shakeology as a single meal replacement per day during the cleanse. 

Below is a comparison of the 3 days cleanse as offered by a Beachbody coach versus a similar cleanse diet with our recommendations for improvements. 

health shakes chocolate

The “Original” Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse

  • 3 Shakeology Shakes a day prepared as directed.
  • 2 Cups of Green Tea a Day.
  • 1 piece of fresh fruit a day.
  • 1 lettuce and green vegetable salad for dinner along with 4 ounces of lean protein, such as white poultry or fish. (You can use a low-fat salad dressing).

*As we’ve found on Beachbody coaches’ websites.

For each of the 3 days of your Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse, you suppose to include a Shakeology shake for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse with Our Modifications

  • 1 Shakeology Shakes a day for breakfast or lunch. 
  • 2-3 Cups of Tea a Day – Better Get This Best Detox Tea (on Amazon) 
  • 2-3 pieces of fresh fruit a day.
  • 2 lettuce and green vegetable salad (in any meal). Include vegetables from all colors in the salad. You can also prepare a green smoothie. 
  • 4 ounces of lean protein form shallow water demersal fish (such as sole, hake, bass, turbot, halibut, plaice, haddock, sardine, cod, and other flatfish). The reason for shallow water fish is that deepwater fish may be contaminatedwith harmful levels of mercury, lead, cadmium, and other heavy metals. 

Alternatively, you can do a vegan 3 days cleanse. 

This means you’ll need to replace the meat with plant-based food that is high in protein, like mushrooms, nuts, legumes, etc. 

And preferably also use Vegan Shakeology in any of these cleanse plans. 

Caution - cleanse notes

Things to note about cleansing plans

The cleanses should only be completed over a few days, and it is important to stay hydrated for the duration.

Cleansing longer than three days might have the reverse effect by decreasing your metabolism.

 It is important to refrain from large meals because these can undo the toxin removal effects of the cleanse. 

It is also important to drink two to three liters of water per day while cleansing to prevent dehydration.


Body Cleanse Benefits

Toxins, chemicals, and pollutants are in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the processed foods we consume, and in some of our modern-day medications, our doctors prescribe.

When the body is presented with toxins, chemicals, and pollutants in small quantities, it can destroy them and maintain health. The trouble is that almost all of us are being exposed to much higher levels of these harmful substances, so much so, that our bodies are unable to keep up with it.

Having these high amounts of toxins in your body is preventing it from operating how it should and damaging the body’s systems. 

Body cleanse removes many of the toxins and chemicals that have built up, give the body time to rest and regenerate.

When you are infusing your body with good amounts of quality proteins as well as other vital nutrients and nothing else, a short-term cleanse can do wonders for your body.

A cleanse can help to detoxify the body, thereby promoting your overall health and making weight loss easier.

A 3 Day Cleanse will help you break through a weight-loss plateau, remove toxins and improve your fitness in an accelerated manner – so that you can then focus on the ongoing efforts needed to improve and maintain your health and fitness levels. 

Another Best Cleanse Guide you should know:

The 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse by JJ Smith is the best body cleanse Audiobook out there.

With such Amazing reviews on Amazon this is one of the best juice diet plans out there.

Lose up to 15 Pounds in just 10 Days. Listen to a sample of this mind blowing Audio Book Now on Amazon.

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Beachbody Ultimate Reset – Updated May 2020 Tue, 12 May 2020 15:28:26 +0000 Today, there are so many different weight loss methods that can be very difficult to find the right one.  While many of today’s weight loss methods are effective, not all weight loss methods truly work.  If you want to lose weight but you cannot decide which weight loss method is right for you, you may […]

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Today, there are so many different weight loss methods that can be very difficult to find the right one. 

While many of today’s weight loss methods are effective, not all weight loss methods truly work. 

If you want to lose weight but you cannot decide which weight loss method is right for you, you may want to consider trying the Ultimate Reset Weight Loss method. Ultimate Reset is a weight loss method that can help you lose weight and improve your overall body health.

What Is Ultimate Reset?

The Ultimate Reset method of losing weight is a 21 day, three-phase weight loss method that can help your body look and feel healthier. The three phases of Ultimate Reset include:

· Balance Body Chemistry. The first step of the Ultimate Reset method of weight loss involves balancing your body’s chemistry. During this phase, you will take vitamin supplements that will balance your body’s chemistry by reducing cravings for caffeine and sugar. This phase will help rid your body of harmful toxins caused by foods that contain preservatives and chemicals.

· Remove Toxins & Reset Digestion. During phase two of the Ultimate Reset Weight Loss method, your body will expel all toxins so your digestive system can recover from poor food habits and environmental toxins. As your digestive system recovers, you will begin to notice less bloating and indigestion.

· Rejuvenate Your Health. By the time you reach this phase, you may notice that you feel healthier. Your body will be more balanced, and you should start losing weight. By now you will be eating highly nutritious foods, and the nutrients from these foods will be able to absorb better now that your body is free from toxins.

What You Get With Beachbody Ultimate Reset

The Beachbody Ultimate Reset Weight Loss kit is a six supplements packet that includes all the materials you need to complete the three-phase, 21-day program. You get:

· Six supplements designed to put your body back in balance.

· A nutrition guide that gives you step-by-step instructions for your 21-day journey

· Two DVDs: “Reset Your Health!” and “Cooking Class”

· 90 days of access to the Ultimate Reset Participant Portal

The items in this packet are aimed to help you lose weight and improve overall health. 

The Benefits of Using Beachbody Ultimate Reset

Results vary from person to person, but people generally find that Beachbody Ultimate Reset:

· Helps them lose weight without feeling starved

· Gives them more energetic throughout the day

· Improves digestive regularity

These benefits can get you to your health and fitness goals quicker. 

Cleansing Your Body Without Going Hungry

The ultimate reset is a good way to reach higher levels of health and fitness without going on some crazy dietary cleanse that forces you to consume nothing but lemon juice and rabbit food!

Unless you have eaten a super-healthy diet over the last several years, you have all kinds of toxins stored in your body. Few of us can get through a whole month without turning to processed foods at least once or twice. We have busy schedules, so we do what we have to do.

Over time, this can harm your body at the cellular level, not to mention the damage that it does to your organs.

The Ultimate Reset kit replaces processed foods with healthy foods so your body will start to release toxins and waste without making you feel tired, sick, or hungry. 

The problem with a lot of cleanse diets is that they restrict so many healthy foods. That might work for someone who plans on sitting still for a month. If you want to stay active, though, you need healthy foods that will push out the toxins while giving you plenty of energy.

Ultimate Reset Review

I can’t personally vouch for the Beachbody ultimate reset program as I haven’t tried it myself. 

However, after looking everywhere online for the Ultimate Reset reviews the conclusion is clear. 

Eating healthy for 21 days straight will start getting you on the track for a healthier lifestyle whether you use the Beachbody ultimate reset or not. 

So do you really need it?

Probably not. However, like going to the gym and having a personal coach training you on a program, it may be easier for you to start a healthy diet with an organized program. 

And if you are going to go on a nutritional program, from reading the reviews it seems that the Ultimate Reset is a pretty good one. 

For the price of about $200, the Ultimate Reset is fairly decent in price. Just as a comparison, a similar plan by Isagenix costs nearly double. 

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Shakeology vs Monavie RVL Nutrition Shake (Updated 2020) Sat, 18 Apr 2020 13:42:00 +0000 MonaVie was a multi-level marketing company and the producer of the RVL Nutrition Shake.  In 2015 the MonaVie company have failed to meet a 182 million dollar loan and went into foreclosure. Therefore, today, the MonaVie RVL Shake is hardly available anywhere.   But that might be for a good reason. As it appears the company’s chairman was […]

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MonaVie was a multi-level marketing company and the producer of the RVL Nutrition Shake. 

Rvl Shake

In 2015 the MonaVie company have failed to meet a 182 million dollar loan and went into foreclosure.

Therefore, today, the MonaVie RVL Shake is hardly available anywhere.  

But that might be for a good reason.

As it appears the company’s chairman was previously involved in a beverage company scandal and the health claims concerning the RVL Shakes have probably been false either (as they have never been approved by any formal body*). 

The good news is: There are better meal replacement shakes out there. 

With the top 3 best sellers on amazon being:

 Garden of life raw, Orgain and Vegansmart.

garden of life raw chocolate

For those of you who still wish to determine the value of the RVL shake, we’ve compared it with Shakeology as an example below. 

Shakeology Vs Monavie RVL Shake 

Both Shakeology and Monavie RVL Nutrition Shake Mix are low-calorie meal replacement shakes that are designed to help individuals lose weight.

The following may help you compare the health and nutritional benefits of each product:

Nutrition Fact Comparison

If you’re trying to compare one nutritional product to another, you want to make sure you are comparing the same nutrients across the different products. 

The following nutritional content comes directly from the labels of Shakeology and Monavie RVL Shakes, and does not include any additional items (like milk, fruits, etc.):


 Shakeology: 140

 Monavie RVL Shake: 190


 Shakeology: 15mg

 Monavie RVL Shake: 40mg


 Shakeology: 100mg

 Monavie RVL Shake: 180mg


 Shakeology: 9g

 Monavie RVL Shake: 7g


 Shakeology: 17g

 Monavie RVL Shake: 18g


Looking at the nutrition facts both shakes seem to have quite similar nutritional values with the distinction of MonaVie RVL Shake’s downsides of having higher levels of Cholesterol and Sodium. 

More about the ingredients 

Both Shakeology and Monavie RVL Shake include the three levels of nutrients you should receive from the foods you choose to eat: carbs, proteins, and fat.

They are both also rich in phytonutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

Monavie RVL Shake – Are made with AcaVie(TM) which is known as the most potent form of acai on the market. It boasts antioxidants, prebiotic fiber, and whey protein. 

Each serving of Monavie meal replacement shake contains antioxidants equivalent to more than 10 servings of fruits and vegetables. Monavie’s meal replacement drink comes in vanilla or chocolate berry flavors.

Shakeology – Is made with 100% natural ingredients from all over the world. There are more than 70 whole food ingredients in each serving of Shakeology. The shake also contains prebiotics and digestive enzymes to improve your body’s ability to absorb nutrients. The protein and amino acids in the shake can help reduce food cravings and help your muscles grow strong. Shakeology comes in a few flavors. 

Monavie RVL  or Other Shakes?

Since Monavie RVL shakes are not widely available anymore the comparison is easy. 

But even if they were, there are better meal replacement shakes out there.

Shakeology is one option – find more about it here

Or browse our site for other shake reviews.

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Customize Your Shakeology With Boost Thu, 29 Oct 2015 13:27:38 +0000 Shakeology lovers, things are now even better and healthier! The new Boosts are add-ons to Shakeology that let you customize a shake for your own day-to-day needs. Everyone requires an energy boost once in awhile, so why not do it naturally, without compromising your health? Team Beachbody has three type of Boost to suit your […]

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Shakeology lovers, things are now even better and healthier! The new Boosts are add-ons to Shakeology that let you customize a shake for your own day-to-day needs. Everyone requires an energy boost once in awhile, so why not do it naturally, without compromising your health? Team Beachbody has three type of Boost to suit your specific needs.


Power Greens Boost

We all have days when meal prep isn’t an option. Whether its taking the kids to their extra-curricular activities, a late sales meeting or an out of town trip, there simply isn’t time to cut up fruits and veggies for the day. With Power Greens Boost, it takes all the work out of it for you. Power Greens Boost is a quick and easy way to get a complete serving of nutrient dense vegetables in your day. Ingredients like spinach and kale will give your body more of what it is not getting on those busy days—phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals. Power Greens Boost has a unique formula that supports the acid/alkaline balance in the body that is usually out-of-whack with the typical American diet. Power Greens Boost is also perfect for those of us who simply don’t like the taste of vegetables!

Focused Energy Boost

Everyone can use an energy boost throughout the day, and things like energy drinks and turbo shots are not good for us. Focused Energy Boost has a specific design intended to give you a boost of energy for your body and mind, naturally. Ingredients like natural caffeine from guarana and green tea support focus, mental clarity, alertness and increase stamina. Get 100 mg of natural caffeine without any artificial flavors, preservatives, colors or sweeteners. Focused Energy Boost actually reduces your stress level and helps you get tasks done without making you feel shaky and adding anxiety. You won’t get that promise from energy drinks or coffee!

Digestive Health Boost

Let’s be frank. There are some days when you’re not quite regular and it is very uncomfortable. Digestive Health Boost is the perfect way to get more than half of the fiber recommended for your day. Digestive Health Boost is composed of 7 grams of soluble and insoluble fiber per one scoop. Most other fiber supplements only contain soluble fiber, which makes this blend unique. This Boost will help you on those “irregular days”, by supporting digestive health and keeping you feeling full for longer amounts of time. It will stop you from reaching for the unhealthy snacks during the day, too.

How to Use Your Shakeology Boost

Just one scoop of any Shakeology Boost can be added to your Shakeology shake or any other beverage of your choice. Be sure to drink it within 30 minutes for maximum health benefits. Being healthy has never been this easy!

Learn more about Boost


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